Understand Truck

Understand Your Truck More

With the right information, find the truck perfectly tailored
to your business needs.

Based on its application, what is the type of truck you need ?


Truck that carries load on its chassis.


Truck with fifth wheel that pulls load.

What truck do you need by axle configuration ?

Getting to know truck dimension

Calculating truck payload

Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)

  • Maximum weight allowed for a truck :
  • Wight of chassis, driver, passenger, spare tires, fuel tank, and other attachment
  • Weight of trailer
  • Payload: coal, fuel, dirt, etc

Gross Combination Weight (GCW)

  • Weights of chassis, driver, passenger, spare tires, fuel tank, and other tools attached on truck
  • Weight of trailer
  • Weight of loads, for example the container, tank, cement, etc.

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